Wholeness of 12
Since 2005, I have been teaching about our 12 chromatic in-body chakras and our connection to the 12 universal laws.
The number 12 is universally important, and we find it repeated throughout nature, including our12 cranial nerves, 12 main acupuncture meridians , 12 zodiac signs, as well as – potentially – 12 original planets in our solar system.
The old system of 7 chakras is incomplete and was conceived at a time in our history when spiritual seers were only aware of the 7 “round objects” that could be seen in the heavens above: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars, Venus, Saturn and Neptune. “As above-So Below”. This was then reflected into our human body as the 7 “round wheels” or chakras. In modern times, we are aware of 8 official planets in our solar system, and 1 non-planet, Pluto. I have been aware that our solar system actually had 12 original planets. While this seems improbable, my awareness is that our scientists have simply not yet discovered this.
The “hunt for Planet X” or the ninth planet is still actively being pursued in astronomy. Just google it and you will see announcements made and then retracted. Similarly, in human biology, I was aware since 2005 that we have 12 major organ systems, not just the 11 that were being taught in medical school. On March 18, 2018 scientists announced that they had “just discovered the 12th human organ system”!
My experience and that of my clients, is that once we see and know ourselves as whole, chromatic Beings, we activate our full potential, we expand and we finally express all of who we are.
As seen below, the 5 Aquarian chakras are: Coral, Gold, Olive, Turquoise and Royal Blue. I have webinars available on all 5 Aquarian chakras (Coming Soon!). Activating and balancing these chakras results in:
trusting our interconnection in this world and with our Galactic/Starseed Families (CORAL);
knowing our worth, accessing our wisdom and activating our purpose ( GOLD);
bridging into leadership of the heart (OLIVE);
expressing our willingness to serve humanity (TURQUOISE)
accessing 5 (of 6) higher mind functions: Clairaudience, clairvoyance, claircognizance, clairallience, and clairgustance (ROYAL BLUE)