Soul Codes
My Signature Session (see video below)
The Soul Codes spiritual session is one of the best ways to be introduced to my unique brand of intuitive, spiritual coaching and healing.
What is a Soul Code? A Soul Code is a vibrational message that your Soul communicates to you through the fundamental building blocks of reality: Number. Some of our greatest scientists and inventors such as Einstein and Tesla have referred to numbers as being the foundation of the universe. Tesla has said, “If you only knew the magnificence of 3, 6, and 9, you would have a key to the Universe.”
Your extraordinary soul absolutely knows how to communicate to the “ordinary you” through the first 2 of 12 Universal Laws: Resonance and Vibration – which ARE numbers! We are no longer instructed as children in the esoteric arts of becoming conscious of the unseen, but felt universe that exists in and around us. Tuning in to the wisdom of our own soul has become a “lost art” – but I have been bringing this awareness back to my clients for many years. “Your soul DOES know!”
I have learned how to tune in by studying with the soul essence of Pythagoras, since the age 13. With my “third ear”, I have learned how to hear and interpret numbers by using Pythagorean numerology. For example, the phrase “Truly See Clearly” equals 66 in Pythagorean numerology. And more, the consonants equal 33 and the vowels equal 33. So this phrase is a Master Frequency.
I am able to decode words, phrases and topics that precisely connect with what you soul is communicating to you. It always works. No exceptions.
Here are some of my favorite Soul Code messages:
111 = Sacred Journey of the Heart
123 = I feel love, I know love, I am love
222 = I surrender to the unknown as I trust life’s calling
It begins with a series of numbers that you share with me. Then I decode these numbers and translate them for you with clarity and compassion, helping you understand what your next steps are.
You have been on the path, searching for healing, looking for answers, reading books, going to workshops . . . and yet, something is still missing.
And what I know is . . . your soul knows what you need – in connection with God; it knows how to heal; it knows how to be free of old patterns and heaviness.
The answers are within you — it’s just that in our times, we have not been taught to listen to the soul at the level it is capable of communicating to us.
Your soul is an Essence Vibration — and it communicates in many ways, and you may be familiar with some: the still small voice, a heart whispering, a gut feeling that this is it! (or not it!), symbols and signs that are placed in our path . . . AND by the essential building blocks of creation: Vibration and Resonance.
Every first client session starts with YOU communicating to me what you need to know!
No exception.
This is what I call your Soul Code.
What I hear from clients in our first session is, “How did you know that?” My answer is, “I didn’t know it — you told me.”
From your soul code you will have a clear direction of what your next steps are — this way, we don’t have to spend time combing over your history, trying to figure out the source of “your problems,” or having me describe to you all the modalities I have access to and you trying to figure out which one you want to try.
“Life-changing and Profound”
The most common word I hear after the completion of your soul code session is WOW! In this session, you may experience emotional healing, spiritual clearing and healing as well as a deep understanding of why you have had challenges and why certain themes in your life tend to repeat. Often this session includes past-life awareness and healing, freeing you to create your life based on today, not the past!
Please select Soul Codes session if you are interested in this powerful and transformational process.
In this 1.5 hr. session (in person, by phone or by Zoom Link), we will explore a unique message from your higher self — tapping into your intuitive higher awareness. After a short guided meditation, you will provide me with a series of numbers — these numbers are not at all random, they come directly from your own soul. This CODE communicates exactly what it is your soul would like you to understand and to do. This is a process that you simply must experience!
To schedule your Soul Codes session, click on the button and enter the information, and I will contact you to set up a mutually convenient time!