With humility, I share with you some comments from my clients after a session.
Thank you so much for this profoundly expansive piece of work you did on my Galactic Astrology Chart
I have never had an experience like this before.
I had numerous Erector Pillai responses, also known as goosebumps, in my life. It has expanded my understanding of reality and I thought I had a pretty broad view to begin with.
It helped me understand my recurring childhood nightmares and the deep fear I experienced throughout my life that someone was out to get me - and feeling like I had done something wrong and I didn't know what. I am still working on coming to terms with the ET abductions and I am following your suggestions to reclaim my sovereignty as a conscious and aware soul.
If feels correct and honoring that I am healing multi-generational (and galactic) male/female patterns around perpetrator and victim. Being empowered and empowering others has always been a goal for me. It has been difficult to obtain because I've been criticized and ostracized at times for being different. Knowing that I am not alone in my insanity is helpful as we work together to wake people up to the truth - we really are not alone!
"Most of my life I have walked around feeling disconnected and trapped. Trapped in a spider web that I couldn’t escape. I felt that I was being punished but had no idea why. I would often get hunches about things but had no reference and I remained confused. The sessions with Ronna have given me so much clarity and understanding. I am now able to breathe with an assurance that with willingness of my part, I can move forward. My life finally makes sense."
“In my whole being, I know what you shared in my Galactic Astrology session feels true.
Everything you keep introducing me to over the years, helps me feel more OK within myself and understanding who I really am.
I finally found someone who understands the ET stuff and knows that it really happened – no one believed me when I tried to get help or confirmation as a child – they said it was just a dream or an imaginary friend. I now understand why I didn’t want to be away from my mom – I was afraid I wouldn’t make it back. The big grief around my mom’s death in 2020 is finally healing – and I no longer feel traumatized by her death, thanks to working with you. This last piece of information about clearing the bloodlines makes more sense now.
I sense that people are looking at me differently now – maybe because I feel different. While I still feel humble, I am beginning to accept that I have played a part in this huge unfoldment in the cosmos
I am so grateful for you – and every time we get together, my heart expands!
“Since our Family Constellation session, we have been through a deep dive into finally breaking the silence barrier. I know that this is one of my deep life themes to resolve and as I navigate my way out of these rutted patterns of 'going along to get along' even while squashing my authentic expression, I feel like I am overcoming my biggest challenge. I can feel the fulfillment of a life mission in real time.”
"After 10+ years of searching and getting numerous readings over the years, this session with Ronna has literally shifted my entire world and changed my perspective on all of my relationships and interactions. I finally received information that I could use to change my behaviors along with understanding my life situation. I feel empowered to move forward with my life's purpose without hesitation. Thank you again Ronna for this great and wonderful gift."
“Ronna, this is fabulous. The recognized patterns, specific comments, reference material, new concepts, practices, etc. Thanks for your broad range of many therapy modalities, sensitivity and intuitive centered insights. As a fellow therapist (past), it’s the best documentation I’ve ever seen. THX."
"Ronna has provided both comprehension and direction of my spiritual growth, allowing me to see the purpose of my life’s lessons, my place in this world, and my responsibility to the universe. With love and great gratitude I thank her for the inspiring, beautiful, life-changing gifts and lessons she brings to my life by the unselfish sharing of her talents and time. Her guidance, fueled by her compassion and love, is the key to finding great joy and love on our chosen path."
"The changes inside me and my transformation have been profound. In less than a year of working with Ronna I am well on the way to discovering my purpose in life and my soul's deepest desire to heal the collective. I have seen changes, not just spiritually, but have had unexpected financial gains, moving within my company to a very important role, uncovering my healing abilities, and the most dear to my heart, she saved my pet’s life. I can’t thank her enough for the gift she has and the heart and soul she puts into each session and follow ups."
Thank you so much for the Galactic Astrology and Quantum Soul Guidance session on Saturday. It was very insightful and gave me a bigger picture of myself, the complexity and beauty of my being and some insight to some of the issues I am dealing with. I Loved and am so appreciative of the healing that took place during the session. I'm excited for the outcome!. You have such a gift and I feel blessed that you share this gift with all of us.
"Working with Ronna opened me up to see some of the root issues that I needed to address. Thanks to her loving support, I was able to start the healing process so that I can continue working to better myself and help those around me more effectively."