Galactic Astrology
Discover your Starseed Origins
Galactic Astrology (GA) is my most recent certification. It fits perfectly as an expansion to all my other modalities. In GA, we explore the deepest questions: Where am I from? What am I here to do? How do I fully embrace my Mission Possible during This Life? Together we will explore the beauty, courage, and passion of your soul’s journey through the cosmos. When you “Truly See Clearly” (a Master Activation which = 66 (33:33) in numerology, you are empowered to take steps to end confusion, doubt, fear and any other patterns that are holding you back.
As in all of my sessions, I access my Higher Mind abilities of clair-audience, clairvoyance, clair-sentience and clair-cognizance to tune into the vastness of your soul’s journey. As in Soul Codes, your soul is the guide and knows what is in your highest good to learn, and in learning, transmute, and in transmuting, open to new possibilities.
The Outcome: Healing and Transformation
The outcome is always affirming your and activating new potentials. For example, Christina, owner of a healing center has described herself as a “reluctant leader”. She now understands why she has been hesitant to really step into the limelight. After her Deep Dive Galactic session she said, “I now understand why this is so AND I am now ready to put on my “brave woman pants” and fully expand into my leadership role.
“We are always on the right path; sometimes we just need help seeing it.” Ronna Prince
Your Galactic Astrology Chart
Your regular astrology chart is connected to the 88 fixed star alignments and Supra-Galactic points such as the Galactic Center, The Great Attractor and the Super Galactic Center. When we explore your galactic chart together, a new view of your vast soul history will come into focus. The best analogy I have for this experience is that your soul has been weaving a beautiful tapestry of experience for aeons of time and you have only seen the “back of the tapestry”. When you experience your Galactic Chart, it is like turning the tapestry over to view the full picture for the first time! You have been the artist creating a beautiful picture with Divine guidance all along. Awe-inspiring is the only way to describe this expanded view of who you are!
Please select one of 3 Galactic Astrology sessions if you are interested in this powerful and transformational process OR click below for a short intro session to your Galactic Destiny.